To combine my passions..

For writing and traveling was to come alive again

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10 Of The World’s Most Beautiful Places To Snorkel + Scuba Dive

 Below land, there is an entire world that makes up 71% of the earths’ surface.Though I’ve traveled to many tropical locations, it was my recent experiences in the Islands of Hawaii that left me breathless for reasons beyond my lack of gills. My time in Maui created enchanting memories of swimming beside majestic sea turtles and successfully going on my first dive. Kauai filled my mind with sights beyond the imagination such as unified pods of spinner dolphins by the hundreds, & peering into the mint green eyes of a baby octopus as it was wrapped around my arm. This trip inspired me to embark on adventures around the globe where I can continue to immerse myself in the magic of the underwater kingdom.I encourage everyone to do the same, so I did the hard part for you – the research – here are 10 of the world’s most beautiful places to snorkel & dive.

The 10 Countries You Can Visit To See The Northern Lights

Stars can’t shine without darkness..and neither can the enchanting swirls of color that a large population of people have as a checkpoint on their bucket list.

The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, is the result of charged particles from the sun colliding with gaseous particles in the Earth’s atmosphere. The electrons in atoms are moved to a higher-energy state and when the electrons drop back to a lower-energy state, they release a photon which appears to us as light.

Named after the Roman goddess of dawn, the Aurora Borealis have been admired for hundreds of years dating back in history.

The ideal viewing conditions for this natural phenomenon are crisp, cold, clear and cloudless skies in locations with minimum light.

The months for viewing range last from late August – mid-April and the peak seasons are September and March due to the March and September equinox.

When it comes to plans involving the Northern Lights, flexibility is the key word. Because there is no guarantee in seeing the lights based on the necessary atmospheric conditions, tours are not advised.

The Northern Lights are a nighttime activity – meaning that booking your ideal location in an area with prime viewing conditions is something that you should make time for when planning your visit to one or more of these 10 destinations.

15 Underrated Destinations To Explore Before They Get Famous

There are places in the world that we fall in love with time and time again. Some are from the pictures we find, stirring wanderlust in our hearts, others are from our own experiences. Here in the 21st century where it seems like every step of earth has been explored, we forget that there are places to be seen beyond the beautiful yet stereotypical gondola rides in Venice or the classic elephant rides in Thailand.

Without insulting these timeless places, here is a list of 15 underrated destinations that should be explored before they get famous.

5 Tips To Help You Plan Your Perfect Trip To Antarctica

I know what you’re thinking. Who is this crazy girl and why does she want to visit Antarctica? Trust me – just a few weeks ago, I was wondering the same exact thing. Not about me being crazy though, I was already aware of that.

If someone told me just a few days ago that they were interested in visiting this frozen terrain, I would silently be cursing this lunatic idea in my head. Yet 5 minutes into my research, this summer crazed girl was shown the light.

Ladies & Gents, Antarctica has officially joined my long line of bucket list destinations. Here are 5 tips to help you plan your perfect trip.